Psalm 66:12…Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place. (KJV)

Sometimes life takes one on a journey which can be rough and very unpredictable. Plans that failed, people that will disappoint, situations that will prove extremely difficult in all its ramifications and personal weaknesses that will lead to poor choices.

All these are the stories of many lives and family and sincerely not one of us is excluded from such life challenges.

However, the word of God reveals a caring God, who have a rescue plan for all lives. We find out from His word, that he does not only bring us out from the tight spots in life but will lead us to the place of our grand settlement. The place which the scripture calls the place of rest.

(…but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place. (KJV))

This month is the prophetic month of settlement. God has planned an elaborate rescue mission for all individuals who will choose in this season to truly rest and cast all their care onto the Lord.

Firstly, the settlement from the fiery situation, which entails, bringing the believer through the fires of life. There are places in your life that seem unbearable, pressing, and very urgent situation needing quick attention and solution. God is able and He is working on your behalf to bring you out and bring into your wealthy place.

Secondly, you may feel like you being drowned by debt or emotional turmoil or lingering disease in the family that is causing all sorts of stress, bitterness and resentment but be rest assured and take advantage of the month of settlement. Change your prayers and stake your claims for God to settle you.

There is a wealthy place for you which the Lord has in mind for you. It is time to see it! to understand it and to embrace your freedom this month.

Pray and give all your care to God for His power is able to come through for you.

Enter in your month of Settlement
Alexander Emoghene