Sometimes we look at life from the paradigm of reality, facts, and statistics. We get paralyzed by the burden of how real our problems are and how in the world can God go beyond these obstacles and challenges?

In recent times there were moments in my life where I thoughts rose within me; says how will these realities change around me? It looks like all my faith was doing was highlighting my realities. 1 Corinthians 2:9…But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” NKJV.

Friends we must come to a place in God, to realize that faith is not an immunity to pain, nor to challenges but that faith offers the believer a window of understanding, to know that there is much more on the other side of realities. We must come to realize that our realities, facts, and statistics can change but the truth of God’s word stands sure for your life and destiny.

Realities are here to reminds us that there is still a future and a destiny that is worth hoping for, fighting for and finally to accomplish.

The scripture calls it receiving the end of your faith 1 Peter 1:9. I see you getting there When your reality looks as big as the end, faith says it is not over until you win. When realities speak of permanence, faith says even mountain can be moved and they will move for you in Jesus Name! Mark 11:23-24.

Do not settle in the valley of your realities but keep pushing upwards in the light of God’s word.

It is not over until you win.

Alexander Emoghene